We have been lucky enough to have been involved in what has been a remarkable period in Roman re-enactment and re-construction. In the early 1990s the pioneering work of Dr Peter Connolly in Saddle re-construction enabled, for the first time, the techniques of the Roman cavalry to be explored on horseback – an exciting form of reconstructive Archaeology. In conjunction with the world famous Ermine Street Guard the Troop was able to bring a pair of recreated First Century AD cavalrymen to audiences throughout England. The culmination of our Roman cavalry work to date has been the remarkable. The “Turma” project of 2016 which involved the first reconstruction, in 2000 years, of an authentic Roman Cavalry Troop, or Turma, of 30 riders who performed drills and “Hippika Gymnasia” in a televised event in Carlisle. Documentary work has included appearances both as a rider and interviewee for episodes of Timeteam and for The Horsemen of Hadrians Wall – part of the Digging for Britain series.